AD ID: 11705257 β’ Phnom Penh β’ 2h
(English Below) π ααΈα‘αΆααααα (Twin-B) αααααΆαααα½αβββ αααα»ααα»ααΈ ααααα α½α60α * ααααααα½ααβ 1,600 αα»ααααΆα/αα (α’αΆα α αα αΆααΆα) * ααα αααΈ α 7.5α x 24α * ααα ααααα α 6α x 15αβ * ααααααααα 5 αα·α ααααααααΉα 6 * αααααααΌααααααΆααααΌα ααΆα αααΆαααΈααααααΆαα 3ααααΏα, ααααααΌα 4, ααΌααΉααα, αα»ααΆα 1αα»α, ααΌααα’αΆα 4 αα·αααΆααααααααααααααα π©βααΈααΆααα αα»ααΈαααα·ααα ααΎαααααααα αΆαα·ααΈ αααααα αααα α αα»α ααα (60α), α ααααΆα400α ααΈααΆααΆααααα»αααααΆααΌαα· (ααΆααΆα αΆααα’ααααααααα) αα·α900α ααΈααααΆαααααα½α (ααααΌαααΆαα·ααα2) => ααΆαααααα αα»ααααα·ααΆα ααΆαα»αααΆα π βαααααΆααααααααΆαααααααααΌαααΌαααααααααααα π² βββββββ012659xxxClick To Call π² 098886xxxClick To Call ------------------------------ π Twin-B for rent in Borey Peng Huoth 60m * Rental Fee: $1,600/month (negotiable) * Land Size: 7.5m x 24m * House Size: 6m x 15m * 5 Bedrooms and 6 Bathrooms * Material Offer: 3 air conditioners, 4 Bed and Mattresses, Refrigerator, Dining table, 4 wardrobes and Curtains in every room π©Location: On Samdech Techo Hun Sen Blvd (60m), 400m from Sovanna Phum School (Chak Angre Krom Branch) and 900m from Kramuon Market (National Road 2) * It is a nice place for living, security and good environment * For more detail please contact to: π² βββββββ012659xxxClick To Call π² 098886xxxClick To Call ------------------------------
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Location: Phnom Penh , Mean Chey , Chak Angrae Kraom Chak Angrae Kraom, Mean Chey, Phnom Penh
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Century21 Advanced Property
Phnom Penh , Phnom Penh , Mean Chey , Chak Angrae Kraom
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