AD ID: 10831711 β’ Phnom Penh β’ 5h
$199,999 8
+ αααααααααααααα·αααΎαααΉααα½ααα»αααααΈ ααααααααα
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+85510605xxxClick To Call
+1 3319010308 telegram
2B, Sony street (alleyway), Borey Sony, Village Trea 1, Khan Meanchey, Sangkat Stueng meanchey 1, Phnom Penh, Cambodia 120603.
#ααααααα’ααααααααΆααααααΆαααααααααΈααααΆα #αα·αααΆαααααααα½αα‘ααΈαα·α #ααααααααααααΆααααααΆαα #αααααααα»αααααΈαααααα #ααααααα
π‘+A newly extensively renovated townhouse House for sale in phnom penh:
+85510605xxxClick To Call
+1 3319010308 telegram
1. Amenities:
+good for family and business venture
+condition of the building: clean newly extremely renovated townhouse.
+area type: community type, connected townhouses, connected/minutes/within commercial area and roads, one block down the main road(371 street Sorla street and 2004 road)
+non flooding
+facing north
+close and connected (minutes) to all schools(north bridge/cia/golden gate), all/local/international/market/grocery/shops/restaurants/attractions entertainment, malls, pharmacies/hospitals, banks, not too far from the airport, halfway between downtown attraction area and outskirts of the city of phnom penh.
+style: extremely renovated Cambodian townhouse French inspired classic with modern clean living design, spacious/cozy indoor type living with refreshing modern design.
+completely furnished with kitchenware and bed and washing machine and moreβ¦
2. Building description:
+4 bedrooms + 2 offices space room + 1 hallway space on ground floor + 1 wide kitchen/dining/living spaces on 1 floor.
+5 bath 1 guest toilet
+269 square meters total
+4.20m x 18m
+Floor plan/description:
-Ground floor+mezzanine
-First floor+mezzanine
-Second floor
3. Compliance condition:
+title soft title(possible hard title deed and ensure secure ownership)
π°+price: 199999$ (negotiable and open to discuss)
+1 3319010308 telegram
whatsapp and telegram for a tour and precise location.
+email: ouk*********@gmail.comClick To Sent Email for a tour and precise location.
Contact Info: Please don't forget to mention that you found this ad on
Location: 2B, Sony street (alleyway), Borey Sony, Village Trea 1, Khan Meanchey, Sangkat Stueng meanchey 1, Phnom Penh, Cambodia 120603. Stueng Mean chey 1, Mean Chey, Phnom Penh
CommentΒ Β 4
Ouk York
Members Since 2024-04-20 18:55:42
Phnom Penh , 2B, Sony street (alleyway), Borey Sony, Village Trea 1, Khan Meanchey, Sangkat Stueng meanchey 1, Phnom Penh, Cambodia 120603.
Safety Tips for Buyers
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