7Unit condo for Rent in Toul Kork, Studio, Price $350/monthJust now β’ Tuol Kouk, Phnom PenhRent β’ 1 Bedroom β’ 1 Bathroom β’ 32mΒ²$350
8π£ Jamina villa for rent In Borey Pheng Huoth BeoungsnorJust now β’ Chbar Ampov, Phnom PenhRent β’ 5 Bedroom β’ 6 Bathroom β’ 336mΒ²$3,500
10Office Space for Rent in BKK1, Whole FloorJust now β’ Boeng Keng Kang, Phnom PenhRent β’ 536mΒ²$6,208
9Unit Condo for Rent at Time Square3, 1bed, Price $450/monthJust now β’ Tuol Kouk, Phnom PenhRent β’ 1 Bedroom β’ 1 Bathroom β’ 36mΒ²$450
10Condo for Rent at Sky Villa, 2bedroomsJust now β’ Prampir Meakkakra, Phnom PenhRent β’ 2 Bedroom β’ 3 Bathroom β’ 303mΒ²$3,650
9π£ Twin villa for rent in Borey Pheng Huoth Beoungsnor6h β’ Chbar Ampov, Phnom PenhRent β’ 4 Bedroom β’ 5 Bathroom β’ 72mΒ²$2,000
4π£ α αΆα αααααΆαααα½α αα αααα»ααααααΆαα αα½αααααΌα6h β’ Chamkar Mon, Phnom PenhRent β’ 1 Bedroom β’ 3 Bathroom β’ 195mΒ²$1,500
5Apartment for Rent in BKK1, Price $500/month7h β’ Boeng Keng Kang, Phnom PenhRent β’ 1 Bedroom β’ 1 Bathroom β’ 44mΒ²$500
6π£ ααΈα‘αΆααα αααααΆαααα½α αα αααα»ααααααΆαα ααΉααααααα7h β’ Chamkar Mon, Phnom PenhRent β’ 5 Bedroom β’ 5 Bathroom β’ 486mΒ²$2,500
8π£ α’ααΆα αααααΆαααα½α αα αααα»ααααααΆαα αα½αααααΌα / House for rent in Toul Tom Poung7h β’ Chamkar Mon, Phnom PenhRent β’ more Bedroom β’ more Bathroom β’ 287mΒ²$2,500
5Condo for Rent in BKK1, Price $500/month8h β’ Boeng Keng Kang, Phnom PenhRent β’ 1 Bedroom β’ 1 Bathroom β’ 44mΒ²$500
8Apartment for Rent Vira, 2bedrooms, Price $1600/month8h β’ Boeng Keng Kang, Phnom PenhRent β’ 2 Bedroom β’ 2 Bathroom β’ 107mΒ²$1,400
10Unit Condo for Rent in Toul Kork, 2bed, Price $800/month8h β’ Tuol Kouk, Phnom PenhRent β’ 2 Bedroom β’ 2 Bathroom β’ 108mΒ²$800
6Apartment for Rent in BKK2, Price $650/month8h β’ Boeng Keng Kang, Phnom PenhRent β’ 1 Bedroom β’ 1 Bathroom β’ 35mΒ²$650
ααααα’αΆααΈααααα αααααααα $225,000 αα»ααΈ αααα α αα½α ααΉααααα (ααααΌα Claster)9h β’ Chamkar Mon, Phnom PenhSale β’ 4 Bedroom β’ 5 Bathroom β’ 54mΒ²$225,000
5Condo for rent in J-Tower 2 BKK19h β’ Boeng Keng Kang, Phnom PenhRent β’ 2 Bedroom β’ 2 Bathroom β’ 65mΒ²$1,300
7Unit Condo for Rent at R&F Condo9h β’ Mean Chey, Phnom PenhRent β’ 1 Bedroom β’ 1 Bathroom β’ 54mΒ²$500
4Brand New Office Space for Rent, Price $9/m2, Size 100m210h β’ Tuol Kouk, Phnom PenhRent β’ 100mΒ²$9
10Unit Condo for Rent at Morgan Enmaison, Price $600/month10h β’ Chrouy Changva, Phnom PenhRent β’ 1 Bedroom β’ 2 Bathroom β’ 53mΒ²$600
7Apartment for Rent at Residence 105, 2bedrooms, Price $900/month10h β’ Boeng Keng Kang, Phnom PenhRent β’ 2 Bedroom β’ 2 Bathroom β’ 115mΒ²$900
7Apartment for Rent near Aeon 1, 2bedrooms, Price $800/month10h β’ Chamkar Mon, Phnom PenhRent β’ 2 Bedroom β’ 2 Bathroom β’ 96mΒ²$800
11Condo for Rent at Starcity, 1bedroom, Price $240/month11h β’ Saensokh, Phnom PenhRent β’ 1 Bedroom β’ 1 Bathroom β’ 45mΒ²$260
5Condo for Rent in The Penthouse, 2bedrooms, Price $1290/month11h β’ Chamkar Mon, Phnom PenhRent β’ 2 Bedroom β’ 1 Bathroom β’ 59mΒ²$1,290
10Condo for Rent at Decastle Royal, Type 3bedrooms11h β’ Boeng Keng Kang, Phnom PenhRent β’ 3 Bedroom β’ 4 Bathroom β’ 166mΒ²$2,000
13Significant Two Bedrooms in BKK112h β’ Boeng Keng Kang, Phnom PenhRent β’ 2 Bedroom β’ 2 Bathroom β’ 110mΒ²$1,500
9Condo for Rent in The Bridge, 2bedrooms, Price $750/month12h β’ Chamkar Mon, Phnom PenhRent β’ 2 Bedroom β’ 2 Bathroom$750
4ααΈα‘αΆααΌαααΆαα LA ααααααααΆααααααΆαα ααααα α½α ααΉααααα12h β’ Chbar Ampov, Phnom PenhSale β’ 4 Bedroom β’ 5 Bathroom$153,000