AD ID: 8716174 β’ Phnom Penh β’ 4h
$53 5
Convection Oven , Halogen Oven, Grill Roaster Oven 12L & Timer (PPT615) ππͺα‘αα»αα’αααα·αααΈαααΆαβPowepac HALOGEN OVEN GRILL β α’αΆα αα»αααΆαα αα»ααα ααΈα αααΆααΉαααααααααΆα αααααααααΆα αααΎααα»αααΆααααααΌαααΆαβ ααΉαααΆααααα ααααααΆααΆααααα½αααΎαααΈααΆααααα α -α ααα»α 12L -αααααΆαα 750αααΆαα -ααΆααααα½αααΆααααα’αΆα -α’αΆα αααααααααααΆα 60ααΆααΈ -α ααα’α·αα’αΆα αΆαααΆααααα’α·αααΆα OvenααααααΆβ -ααα αα 362x362x230mm -ααΆααΆααΌααααααα 06αα -ααα·ααααααααααααααα·ααα αα»ααΈ β’ Heats up and cooks quickly with 65-250Β°C temperature range. β’ Cooks up to 2-3 times faster than conventional ovens, Electricity Energy saving β’ Low fat cooking and less cholesterol intake β’ AFE tempered glass pot β’ Light, Durable and easy to clean cover, Thaw wash function for self cleaning β’ Easy and precise operation with 60 min timer and temperature controls β’ Multi-functional, offering different styles of cooking β’ 360 degree cooking bakes and browns food evenly on all sides β’ Voltage: 220-240V, 50 - 60Hz β’ Power: 750W β’ Capacity: 12L (Without Metal Frame), 17L (With Metal Frame) β’ Safety Mark: 190666-24 β’ Package size: 362x362x230mm β’ Product Dimensions: 420 (L) x 320 (W) x 405 (H) mm (with both Pot Holder and Frame), 320 (L) x 320 (W) x 330 (H) mm (without both Pot Holder and Frame)
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Location: Phnom Penh, Cambodia Phnom Penh
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Members Since 2013-05-29 04:12:10
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