AD ID: 11722063 • Siem Reap • 16h
️តម្លៃតែ2,150,000ដុល្លារប៉ុណ្ណោះ! ! ! !តម្លៃចរចារ! ! !
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Smart 010738xxxClick To Call
️ លក្ខណៈពិសេស៖ ដីខ្ពស់ស្រាប់ មានផ្ទះល្វេង៤បន្ទប់ និង មានវិឡាតឿកូនកាត់ មួួយខ្នង ក្បែរផ្សារ សាកលវិទ្យាល័យសាលារៀន មន្ទីរពេទ្រ ៣នាទីពីផ្សារក្រោម ១០នាទីពីផ្សារចាស់ ផាប់ស្ទ្រីត
Dear value customers
️ Land for sale pricing 2,150,000only , urgent sale negotiations!!!
Location: nearby Phsakrom Siemreap province, kingdom of Cambodia. Good place for business available all (Electrict power, water supply, cable TV , network connection...)
Land size: 50mx 100=10,000square
If interested please kindly call to (855)12738944 /010738xxxClick To Call
specifically Of land :residents had apartments 4 rooms, villa one units nearby market, school, hospital only 3mn from Phsakrom, 10mn from old market or pup street
For more details please inbox for get special offer!
tau**********@gmail.comClick To Sent Email
Good luck to you . Thankfully
Contact Info: Please don't forget to mention that you found this ad on
Location: Siemreab-Otdar Meanchey Svay Dangkum, Krong Siem Reab, Siem Reap
Safety Tips for Buyers
មិនត្រូវធ្វើការផ្ញើប្រាក់ទៅមុន មុនពេលទទួលទំនិញ
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