AD ID: 11674788 β’ Phnom Penh β’ 10h
(English Below) π ααααΆαα (ααα) αααααΆαααα½αβ αα αα·αααααΆααααα·ααααΆα ααααααΆαααα * ααααααα½αα 700 αα»ααααΆα/αα (α’αΆα α αα αΆααΆα) * ααα αααΈα 9α x 20α * ααα αααααα 9α x 19α * ααααααααΉα 1 π©βααΈααΆααα α ααααΆαββ 550αααΈααααΆααααα·ααααΆα αα·α α ααααΆα 950α ααΈααααΌα 371 => ααΆαααααα αα»ααααα·ααΆα αα·αααΆαα»αααΆα π² ββββ012659xxxClick To Call π² 098886xxxClick To Call ------------------------------ π Warehouse (Corner) For Rent Near PohThiNhean market, Khan Mean Chey * Rental Fee: $700/month (Negotiable) * Land Size: 9m x 20m * Warehouse Size: 9m x 19m * 1 Bathroom π©Location: 550m from PohThiNhean market and 950m From 371 Street * For more detail please contact to: π² ββββ012659xxxClick To Call π² 098886xxxClick To Call ------------------------------
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Location: Phnom Penh , Mean Chey , Stueng Mean chey 2 Stueng Mean chey 2, Mean Chey, Phnom Penh
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Century21 Advanced Property
Phnom Penh , Phnom Penh , Mean Chey , Stueng Mean chey 2
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