AD ID: 11555725 β’ Phnom Penh β’ 5h
π ααΈα‘αΆαααααAαααααΆαααα½αβ αα αα»ααΈααααα αα½α ααΉαααααα | TwinA Villa for Rent in Borey Penghuoth Boeung Snor * ααααααα½α | Rent Price: $1,500/month (α αα αΆ) * ααα αααΈβ β| Land Size: 7.7m x 22m * ααα ααααα | House Size: 6m x 12m * ααααααααα | Bedroom: 04 * ααααααααΉα | Bathroom: 05 * ααααααααα½αααααα | Living Room: 01 * ααααααΆα | Kitchen: 01 * α αααα‘αΆα | Parking: 02 * αααααΆα:αααβ | Fully Furnished
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Location: π ααΈα‘αΆαααααAαααααΆαααα½αβ αα αα»ααΈααααα αα½α ααΉαααααα Veal Sbov, Chbar Ampov, Phnom Penh
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Basac Realty
Phnom Penh , π ααΈα‘αΆαααααAαααααΆαααα½αβ αα αα»ααΈααααα αα½α ααΉαααααα
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