AD ID: 11661146 β’ Phnom Penh β’ 9h
$379 1
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π£ThinkPad X1 - Tablet (3rd Gen) - 2in1 Laptop (Core I7 - 8th Gen)πͺβ¨
π₯Secondhand Condition 90%
πααΆααααααΈα ααααΆα αααα½ααααααΈ & ααΆαααΆααααΆααααα½α (Portable) ααΆααααααααΆαα ααΆαααΆαααααααΆα αα·α ααΈααΆα Design - α’αΆα
run AutoCad design αα·α Photoshop ααΆααααΌαααα’β€οΈ
(β¨Key Functions: βοΈα’αΆα
Touch Screen ααΆα, βοΈααΆαααα»αΈα-Sim ααΆα, βοΈαααααα SSD card ααΆαααΆααααα½α, βοΈααΆααα»αααΆα Finger Print αααααααααα
-αα, βοΈFace Recognition Scan ααααααα»α)
βοΈMain Specs
βοΈ(1) Intel Core i7-8650u (8M Cache, Upto 4.2GHz)
βοΈ(2) Window 11 Pro
βοΈ(3) Intel UHD Graphics 620
βοΈ(4) Ram 16GB Memory
βοΈ(5) SSD 512GB PCIe NVMe
βοΈ(6) Touch Display 13" QHD+ (3000x2000) IPS multi-touch
βοΈ(7) ThinkPad Detachable Keyboard - Light up
βοΈ(8) Battery Life (3 - 5 hours)
βοΈ(9) Fast Charge (1h 50min - Full Battery)
βοΈ(10) Pen & Touch: Support with 10 touch points
βοΈ(11) 2xUSB (Thunderbolt 3)
βοΈ(12) Weight 1.2 kg
Price (ααααα): π₯379$ππ
π© please Inbox for more info
βοΈ Tel: 0965848xxxClick To Call (Smart)
017485xxxClick To Call (Cellcard)
Contact Info: Please don't forget to mention that you found this ad on
Location: αααααΆαα αααα½α αααα ααααα»α Phnom Penh Thmei, Saensokh, Phnom Penh
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