12Swimming pool 2 bedrooms apartment for rentJust now β’ Boeng Keng Kang, Phnom PenhRent β’ 2 Bedroom β’ 2 Bathroom β’ 130mΒ²$1,800
95 Bedrooms apartment-condo for rent at Rose Garden Condo in Tonle BassacJust now β’ Chamkar Mon, Phnom PenhRent β’ 5 Bedroom β’ 4 Bathroom β’ 300mΒ²$2,800
10SPACIOUS &WESTERN STYLE SERVICED APARTMENT] FOR LEASE | FULLY FURNISHEDJust now β’ Chamkar Mon, Phnom PenhRent β’ 1 Bedroom β’ 1 Bathroom β’ 90mΒ²$708
10π 02 Bedrooms with good Pool & Gym for rent with Fully furnishedJust now β’ Boeng Keng Kang, Phnom PenhRent β’ 2 Bedroom β’ 3 Bathroom β’ 105mΒ²$800
3ααΈααααααααΆαα αα ααΉααααααα‘/Land for sale in BKK IJust now β’ Boeng Keng Kang, Phnom PenhSale β’ 683mΒ²$4,000
9Western swimming pool apartment for rentJust now β’ Chrouy Changva, Phnom PenhRent β’ 3 Bedroom β’ 3 Bathroom β’ 150mΒ²$2,600
10αα·α‘αΆ αα αα·αααΆααΆαααααααΈαα»ααααα· ααααααΌαααα-αα½α! | Villa near Preah Sisowath High SchoolJust now β’ Doun Penh, Phnom PenhRent .$3,500
10Big villa for rent in BKK IJust now β’ Boeng Keng Kang, Phnom PenhRent β’ 6 Bedroom β’ more Bathroom$5,000
9Nice Villa for Rent in Bassac Garden CityJust now β’ Chamkar Mon, Phnom PenhRent β’ 4 Bedroom β’ 5 Bathroom β’ 400mΒ²$3,000
9Nice Villa for rent with Swimming poolJust now β’ Chamkar Mon, Phnom PenhRent β’ 4 Bedroom β’ 5 Bathroom β’ 400mΒ²$3,800
10The Bridge Penthouse for rent only $2,000/month 45th floorJust now β’ Chamkar Mon, Phnom PenhRent β’ 4 Bedroom β’ 3 Bathroom β’ 200mΒ²$2,000
13Beautiful Apartment for Rent in BKK1 for $1,050/monthJust now β’ Boeng Keng Kang, Phnom PenhRent β’ 1 Bedroom β’ 1 Bathroom β’ 85mΒ²$1,050
4ααααααααααααΆαααα ααΉααααααα£ ααΆαααααααJust now β’ Boeng Keng Kang, Phnom PenhSale β’ 1 Bedroom β’ 1 Bathroom β’ 50mΒ²$58,000
14Swimming pool apartment for rentJust now β’ Boeng Keng Kang, Phnom PenhRent β’ 3 Bedroom β’ 4 Bathroom β’ 170mΒ²$2,700
11FORRENT | 3 Bedrooms Duplex Penthouse Apartment near Wat PhnomJust now β’ Doun Penh, Phnom PenhRent β’ 3 Bedroom β’ 4 Bathroom β’ 255mΒ²$3,500
10Embassy Central Condo For Rent _ BKK 1π₯Just now β’ Boeng Keng Kang, Phnom PenhRent β’ 2 Bedroom β’ 1 Bathroom β’ 75mΒ²$1,200
10ααΈα‘αΆαααααB ααΈα αα αααα ααααα·ααα½αJust now β’ Mean Chey, Phnom PenhSale β’ 5 Bedroom β’ 6 Bathroom$315,000
7ααααα’αΆααΈααααααααααΆαααα½αααΎααααΌααα»ααΈααααJust now β’ Boeng Keng Kang, Phnom PenhRent β’ 480mΒ²$9,000
3ααααα’αΆααΈααααα ααααΌαααα αα ααΉααααααα‘ αα½α | A Corner Business House For Rent in BKK1Just now β’ Boeng Keng Kang, Phnom PenhRent β’ 312mΒ²$7,000
13Swimming pool 2 bedrooms apartment for rentJust now β’ Boeng Keng Kang, Phnom PenhRent β’ 2 Bedroom β’ 2 Bathroom β’ 130mΒ²$1,800
18ααΈα‘αΆαααααΆαααα½α/Villa for rentJust now β’ Boeng Keng Kang, Phnom PenhRent β’ 6 Bedroom β’ 6 Bathroom β’ 560mΒ²$5,000
20Villa for rent in Bassac Garden CityJust now β’ Chamkar Mon, Phnom PenhRent β’ 4 Bedroom β’ 4 Bathroom β’ 400mΒ²$3,600
7Swimming pool apartment for rentJust now β’ Chamkar Mon, Phnom PenhRent β’ 1 Bedroom β’ 1 Bathroom β’ 45mΒ²$450
9Duplex Style 01 Bedroom Apartment For Rent in BKK 1Just now β’ Boeng Keng Kang, Phnom PenhRent β’ 1 Bedroom β’ 1 Bathroom β’ 58mΒ²$900
152 bedrooms swimming pool apartment for rentJust now β’ Boeng Keng Kang, Phnom PenhRent β’ 2 Bedroom β’ 2 Bathroom β’ 150mΒ²$1,800
14FOR RENT | 2-Bedroom services apartment in BKK1Just now β’ Boeng Keng Kang, Phnom PenhRent β’ 2 Bedroom β’ 2 Bathroom β’ 120mΒ²$1,200
5ααΈα‘αΆααααΈαααααΈαααααΆααααααα αααα α αα½α ααΉαααααJust now β’ Chbar Ampov, Phnom PenhSale β’ 5 Bedroom β’ more Bathroom β’ 600mΒ²$920,000
20αααααααααΆαααα½α (House For Rent)Just now β’ Saensokh, Phnom PenhRent β’ 3 Bedroom β’ 6 Bathroom β’ 525mΒ²$2,500
6α’ααΆαα’αΆααΆααα·ααααααΆαααα½α=New apartment building for rent17m β’ Boeng Keng Kang, Phnom PenhRent .$50,000
4ααΈαααααΆαααααβ αααα»αααΆαααα 26m β’ Krong Ta Khmau, KandalSale β’ 970mΒ²$380,000