AD ID: 9904191 โข Phnom Penh โข 18h
$14 $18$4 OFF 2
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Philips optical fiber audio cable Hi- Fi Hi-Resolution SPDIF R2123O 1.5M Fiber Optic audio cable Philips optical fiber audio cable SPDIF TV DVD projection power amplifier set-top box square Fiber Optic audio cable original genuine 100% Gold-plated lossless high audio quality High Resolution Audio expense only one time you get the best audio quality all in your whole life super hi-fi audio must use super hi-fi audio cable. Why use bad quality cable to your whole life time? why don't you get highest audio quality in your whole life?โ Philips can help you. Here we are, we would like to provide you the real highest quality. ๐ค๐ Priceโ แแแแแ: 12$ โ๏ธ: 095566xxxClick To Call PHILIPS QUALITY COMMITMENT แแแแแแ แ แทแแแแแทแแแแแถแแแแแแพแ แแแแแแแถแแแแแแแ แ แทแแแแแแแแขแแแแแแแผแแแฝแแแธแแทแ แแถแแแทแแแแแปแแแแกแ แ %แแธแแแแปแแ แแปแPhilips แแแแพแแฝแแแนแแแฝแแแแแพแแฝแแแธแแทแ แ แแแปแขแแแธแแแแผแแแแแพแแแแแแแแแแแแปแแแถแแขแแแแแแแแแแแแถแNoiseแแแแปแแแธแแทแแแแแแขแแแ? แ แแแธแแธแโ แ แแแแแแแแแผแแขแแแ แแผแโ แแปแแแถแ แแแถแแแทแแแแแถแแ!โ ๐ค๐ Philips model: (SWR2123O/93) Digital Optical Audio Cable -Soft Silicon Case -Thick Gold Plated Head -High Strength alloy shell -Nylon Jacket -Optical Fiber Port (With Dust Cover) -แแแทแแแแแปแแแแแแธแ100% แแธแแแแปแแ แแปแ Philips -แแถแแถแแแแแแ1แแแแถแ แแผแ แแผแแแแแธแแผแแแแแถแ -แแแแแแแแแถแโแกโ แแโแกแ แ แ แแแแแ -แแปแแแถแแแแแแ แแแแพแแผแแแนแแแผแ -แ แแแแแธแแนแแแแแแผแแแแแปแแแแแปแแแแแแแแ -We sell only Genuine original Products full warranty 1 Year.โ -Fake 1 Penalty us 1000 prices. -Change the new one if any problem in warranty. -Free Delivery in Phnom Penh. -We are Wholesale. * Gold-plated * Ensure a reliable connection * lenth 1.5 m * lossless high audio quality * high resolution audio * Non-slip ergonomic grip for easy use * Enhanced Durability super ultra high quaility #Hi-Fi audio cable #super Hi-Fi audio cable #Hi-Res audio cable #audio cable #3.5mm to RCA #AUX cable #3.5mm to 2 RCA #Audio Lotus Cable #RCA Cable #แแแแแแแแถแแแแแฝแ #แแแแAUX #แแแแแขแปแ #แแแแRCA #แแแแแ แถแแแแถแแแผแแแแแแ #แแแแแ แถแแแแผแแแแแแ #แแแแแ แถแแแแปแแแแแผแแแ #แแแแแ แถแแแแถแแแปแแแแแผแแแ
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Location: Phnom Penh Chak Angrae Kraom, Mean Chey, Phnom Penh
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