AD ID: 10014500 • Phnom Penh • 14h
$510 11
YAMAHA GEEKMAKER drum set. Brand new, unboxed, on display. Looks elegant in deep blue, no sign of wear, 5 drums, 3 cymbals, free one note stand, one pair of drumsticks and a stool for drummer. Suitable for youngsters and adults. ម៉ាកល្បី YAMAHA GEEKMAKER ថ្មី ពណ៌ខៀវចាស់ (ទឹកសម្រុត) ពុំមានស្នាមឆ្កូតឬគគិត មួយសិតរួមមាន ស្គរ5 ឆាងម៉ាង3 FREE ជូនកៅអីមូយ ឈើស្គរមួយគូ និងថ្នឺដាក់សៀវភៅភ្លេងមួយ.
Contact Info: Please don't forget to mention that you found this ad on
Location: Phnom Penh Preaek Lieb, Chrouy Changva, Phnom Penh
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