AD ID: 11287927 • ភ្នំពេញ • 19m
$3,000,000 5
10 Floors Commercial Building For Sale Near AEON Mall Sen Sok Selling price: $3,000,000 (Negotiable) Property ID: SVL1105168 - Located: In Sangkat Phnom Penh Thmei, Khan Sen Sok, Phnom Penh. Just 1 minute from Global House Cambodia, 2 minutes from AEON Mall Sen Sok, and 3 minutes from Makro Cambodia. Unfurnished Halls floors 13 Bathrooms Land Size: 8.4m × 17m Building Size: 8.4m × 15.3m Total Floor Area: 1039m2 2 Sky bars floors Ground floor to 6th floor are office spaces Total Floors: 10 + 1 Basement Parking: 3 Cars + 7 Motorcycles Title deed: Hard title Direction: South To check the availability of this or similar property in Phnom Penh, please send us an e-mail by filling out the contact form below or inbox us on Telegram, WhatsApp, Line & WeChat to get in touch with our professional real estate agents. CAM Realty is a real estate agency based in Phnom Penh, Cambodia. We offer sales and rental services of serviced apartments, apartments, project/ resell condominiums, villas, gated community villas/houses, office space, and other real estate properties throughout Phnom Penh. H/P: (+855)99 556 694 (English) & (+855)11 26 88 99(日本語) Telegram link: WhatsApp: E-mail: inf* ចុចដើម្បីផ្ញើអ៊ីម៉ែល Website: #phnompenhhousing #housesforrentinphnompenh #apartmentforrentinphnompenh #servicedapartmentforrentinphnompenh #condoforsaleinphnompenh #houseforsaleinphnompenh #renovatedhouseforrentinphnompenh #renovatedhouseforsaleinphnompenh #rentalagentinphnompenh #realestateagentinphnompenh #wholebuildingforrentsaleinphnompenh #プノンペン賃貸物件アパート
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ទីតាំង: 10 Floors Commercial Building For Sale Near AEON Mall Sen Sok Phnom Penh Thmei, Saensokh, Phnom Penh
CAM Realty - Top Apartment Agency |
ភ្នំពេញ , 10 Floors Commercial Building For Sale Near AEON Mall Sen Sok
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