AD ID: 11200478 β’ ααααααα β’ Dec 16
Brand New-Spacious Villa for RENT In Sen Sok area House Details: π Land Size: 15m x 35m π House Size: 11m x 16m π Face to east π Bedrooms: 03 π Bathrooms: 03 + 03 Toilets π Spacious Living Room π Western Kitchen π Swimming Pool (4m x 12 m) π Fully Furnished π Location: Phnom Penh Thmei, Khan Sen Sok * Rental Price: 2,500$/month (Negotiate) π This Spacious Villa is located northeast of Capital City of Phnom Penh. It is very suitable for residentials, company offices or school..etc. ______________________ βοΈ PLEASE CONTACT US: Tel: 012291xxxClick To Call/ 016665xxxClick To Call Telegram: WhatsAppβ: WeChat ID: vb016665xxxClick To Call
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ααΈααΆαα: Sangkat Phnom Penh Thmei, Khan Sen Sok, Phnom Penh City Phnom Penh Thmei, Saensokh, Phnom Penh
ααα·Β Β
Vibol Bou
αααΆαα·αααΆααααΈ 2017-02-15 13:15:25
ααααααα , Sangkat Phnom Penh Thmei, Khan Sen Sok, Phnom Penh City
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