AD ID: 11578121 β’ ααααααΈα αα» β’ Nov 08
$750+ 1
π Male & Female
π Salary open every 28th every month
π Chinese Speaking or can Speak both Khmer and Chinese
π No scam job
π working 5 days per week ( got day off 2days a week )
π Transport = free transport to work
π stay out company : option for the candidate don't have accommodation can stay with company hostel ( hostel condition : AC. Wifi, big size room ,2 bed Mattress Separately ) 2 person for one room .
π Location : Sihanouk
benefit :
OT pay
Holiday pay
Annual Leave 21 days
Medical Leave 14 days
Work permit (if Foreign Employee)
Have Insurance
Extend Visa
If you are interested and require further information, please contact us via phone or telegram at the numbers listed below.
Note we are not agency we are direct HR to company can asking aβοΈ Telegram User : @emjhiey
ααααααΆαααααΆαααααα: ααΌααα»αααααα αα·ααΆαααΆα’αααααΆαααΎαααΆαααααααααααΆαααααα ααΎ αααααα’α€α
ααΈααΆαα: Phom Phen Cambodia Sangkat Bei, Krong Preah Sihanouk, Preah Sihanouk
ααα·Β Β
Little Red Hat Co Ltd
αααΆαα·αααΆααααΈ 2024-07-17 09:45:53
ααααααΈα αα» , Phom Phen Cambodia
Safety Tips for Buyers
αα»α αα»ααααααα½ααααα·α
Do note sent money before receiving the goods
Check the item before you buy
Payment ofter receiving the goods
Meet the seller at a safe location