AD ID: 10899120 β’ ααααααα β’ Nov 21
π Best villa for sale in Sangkat Boeng Keng Kang Ti Mouy, Khan Boeng Keng Kang, Phnom Penh. The property is surrounded by commercial buildings, condominiums and office buildings, especially public services. Itβs located on street 306 where is best for all business buildings such as apartment, condominium, and office space building. π° The price is very special, super under market. The price market around this property is between $6,500/SqM to $9,000/SqM. It is the best opportunity to grab this property for long and short term investment. Land Size: 631SqM Asking Price: $5,550/SqM
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ααΈααΆαα: St. 306, Sangkat Boeng Keng Kang Ti Mouy, Phnom Penh. Boeng Keng Kang Muoy, Boeng Keng Kang, Phnom Penh
ααα·Β Β
ααααααα , St. 306, Sangkat Boeng Keng Kang Ti Mouy, Phnom Penh.
Safety Tips for Buyers
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Do note sent money before receiving the goods
Check the item before you buy
Payment ofter receiving the goods
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