AD ID: 10769731 β’ αααααΆα β’ Dec 07
Very good location House ready for sell best for living and office in heart of the Siem Reap city.
Nicely furnished with a living room plus TV, kitchen with plenty of counter tops plus a dining table and chairs, refrigerator, and washing machine. House has 3 bed rooms well equipped and special isolate 1 office room. 1 master room at the first floor with air conditioner additional bathroom inside (with all new water heater) in bathroom (clean water). And another 2 rooms at the second floor well equipped new invertor air-conditioner and all flat TV inside the room.
Please note Flat include government clean water system and electricity 24 hours. Plus 24-hour security guard and rubbish collector in the compound area.
Location at The Gold Park Sky.
Come and Check the real picture through mobile phone bellow:
Contact number 078800xxxClick To Call or 069800xxxClick To Call
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ααΈααΆαα: αααααΆα Svay Dangkum, Krong Siem Reab, Siem Reap
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Sun Salen
αααΆαα·αααΆααααΈ 2009-10-30 22:39:56
αααααΆα , αααααΆα
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Do note sent money before receiving the goods
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