AD ID: 11575304 β’ ααααααα β’ Nov 26
Office Building for Rent in OCIC Zone, Chroy Chongvar + Property Details: - Location: Sangkat Chroy Chongvar, Khan ChroyChangvar, in the popular OCIC Zone, an emerging business and commercial district - Land Size: 8m x 16m, offering substantial area for office setups - Building Structure: 13 floors, well-suited for corporate offices, co-working spaces, or multi-tenant occupancy - Total Space: Ample interior space with a modern design layout, ideal for businesses of various scales + Amenities: - Elevator access to all floors for convenience and accessibility - Newly constructed, with almost 100% of the work completed - High-grade finishes and building materials for a professional, modern aesthetic - Rental Price: $15,000 per month + Additional Information: The building is located in a prime commercial area with access to transportation, dining, and services. Suitable for large corporate offices, clinics, or any professional establishment requiring multiple floors and flexible floor plans. π Contact Us: For more details, floor plans, or to arrange a viewing, feel free to reach out directly. Weβre here to help you find the perfect space for your business! αααααΆαααααααΆααααααα Contact: +855968888005 Brother Property Service Click Here Telegram:
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ααΈααΆαα: 103 Chrouy Changva, Chrouy Changva, Phnom Penh
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Swift Property Specialist
αααΆαα·αααΆααααΈ 2015-04-24 10:51:55
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