AD ID: 11930724 • ភ្នំពេញ • 14h
$300+ 1
Application Form: You can proceed to the document screening from the link below:
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You can check the selection process, available positions, and FAQs from the Job Board below;
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### **Overview**
- Join us as a sales person in the start-up phase and embrace the opportunity to directly influence our business growth. In this role, you will experience the fulfillment of shaping our operations, be a key contributor to our organizational development, and play an integral part in our business's expansion.
### 概要
- 立ち上げ期のセールスとして手触り感を持ちながら事業を伸ばす感覚ややりがい、そして組織作りの一角を担えるポジションを募集しています。
### **Who We Are:**
- Founded in 1947 in Hokkaido, Japan, we are a food manufacturing enterprise dedicated to delivering "deliciousness and health" through a diverse range of products, including Genghis Khan sauce, barbecue sauce, and ramen soup.
- Building on our domestic success in Japan, we have been actively expanding overseas. The establishment of our local subsidiary in Vietnam has been a significant success as part of this strategy. We are now establishing a new local subsidiary in Phnom Penh, Cambodia, aiming for further growth in the Asian market.
### **私たちについて**
- 当社は1947年に北海道で創業した食品製造会社です。ジンギスカンのたれ、焼肉のたれ、ラーメンスープなど、多様な製品を通じて「美味しさと健康」を提供しています。
- 日本国内での成功を基盤に、積極的な海外展開を進めていおり、ベトナムでの現地法人設立はこの戦略の一環として大きな成功を収めました。現在、カンボジアのプノンペンに新たな現地法人を設立し、アジア市場でのさらなる成長を目指しています。
### **What YOU will own:**
Associated Duties below
- Acquisition of New and Existing Customers:
- Sales channel development
- Business Negotiations
- Build networking
- Engagement with Existing Customers:
- Order Processing and Fulfillment
- Cross-selling and Upselling
- Prompt Resolution of Customer Issues and Complaints
- Performance and Target Management:
- Analysis of Regional/Market Potential
- Management of Project Progress
- Adjustment of Imported Product Quantities
- Sales Strategy:
- Continuous improvement of sales processes
- Promotion of CRM tool implementation
- Strategy for Key Account
- Planning and execution of sales promotions
### **業務内容**
- 既存/新規顧客の獲得
- 販路開拓
- 商談
- ネットワーク構築
- 既存顧客との折衝;
- 受発注対応
- クロスセル、アップセル
- 顧客の問題や苦情を迅速に解決
- 予実管理
- 地域/市場の可能性の分析
- 案件進捗の管理
- 輸入商材の数量調整
- 営業戦略
- 営業プロセスの継続的改善
- CRMツール導入推進
- Key Accountの攻略
- 営業プロモーションの立案実行
### **Experience and Mind YOU will bring:**
- Individuals with a strong growth mindset seeking long-term working environment
### **応募条件**
- 成長志向が強く、長く働ける環境を求める方
### Key **Skills YOU will Bring:**
- Self-management Skills
- Work-first Mindset
- Outgoing personality with the ability to speak with people at all professional levels
- Excellent priority management and ability to work within tight deadlines
- Excellent written and verbal communication skills in English, also Japanese and Vietnamese are preferred.
- Demonstrated ability to work both individually and as part of a team
- Solid PC skills
### **必要なスキル**
- 自己管理能力
- 仕事優先の思考
- あらゆる職務レベルの方とコミュニケーションがとれる外向性
- 優れた優先順位管理力と短納期での作業効率
- 英語での口頭・書面での高いコミュニケーション力、日本語ないしベトナム語ができれば尚可
- 個人、チームでの協調性
- 確かなPCスキル
### **What We Have:**
- A homely and welcoming work environment
- Entrepreneurial, driven, and ambitious team environment
- Central office location
- Social events such as get-togethers and company trips available
### **仕事環境 / 雰囲気:**
- アットホームな環境
- チャレンジ精神あふれる多様で国際的な企業文化
- 都心部に位置したオフィス
- 懇親会、社員旅行などイベントあり
ព័ត៌មានទំនាក់ទំនង: សូមកុំភ្លេចនិយាយថាអ្នកបានឃើញការផ្សព្វផ្សាយនេះនៅលើ ខ្មែរ២៤។
ទីតាំង: 135 St 472, Phnom Penh Phnom Penh
Safety Tips for Buyers
មិនត្រូវធ្វើការផ្ញើប្រាក់ទៅមុន មុនពេលទទួលទំនិញ
Do note sent money before receiving the goods
Check the item before you buy
Payment ofter receiving the goods
Meet the seller at a safe location