AD ID: 11537608 β’ ααααααα β’ 15h
π Social Media Posting Service β Content Optimized for Your Industry π Let us handle your social media so you can focus on running your business! Our social media Posting Service provides researched, optimized, and engaging content tailored for your specific industry. Plus, get localized reach with translations in Khmer (KH) or Chinese (CN) for additional impact in your target regions. Our Service Includes: Industry-Specific Content Research Insight-driven posts based on current trends and top-performing content in your industry. Market Research & Audience Insights Targeted posts that resonate with your audienceβs preferences. Optimized Hashtag Strategy Relevant, niche-targeted hashtags to maximize reach and engagement. High-Quality English Content Professionally written posts, optimized for your business tone and objectives. Translations for Local Reach Khmer (KH) or Chinese (CN) translations using Google Translate for added accessibility. Packages Package A 5 Posts/Week: 20 Content Posts per Month 2 Stories/Reels 3 Regular Feed Posts Pricing: $400/month Discount Options: $350/month for a 3-month commitment, $300/month for a 6-month commitment Package B 10 Posts/Week: 40 Content Posts per Month 4 Stories/Reels 6 Regular Feed Posts Pricing: $800/month Discount Options: $600/month for a 3-month commitment, $500/month for a 6-month commitment πΈ Flexible Terms: Cancel anytime with a monthβs notice. πΈ Engagement Focus: Boost visibility with localized, targeted, and industry-relevant content. Take the hassle out of social media β get started today with a package that fits your goals and budget!
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ααΈααΆαα: Olympic Area Olympic, Boeng Keng Kang, Phnom Penh
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JD Marketing
αααΆαα·αααΆααααΈ 2020-04-23 15:28:02
ααααααα , Olympic Area
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