AD ID: 11652771 β’ αααα β’ Dec 05
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Key Features
110Β° Wide-Angle 600 TVL Camera
40-Channel 5.8 GHz Wireless Transmission
Slim Fuselage, Compact Frame
Up to 8 Minutes of Flight Time
Designed for racing, the black Rodeo 150 Drone from Walkera has been engineered with a slim fuselage and compact frame, and features a built-in camera to allow for FPV piloting. With an optional headset you can stream video from the Rodeo 150 via a 40-channel 5.8 GHz wireless signal. Thanks to the 110Β° lens and 600 TVL resolution, you can see a detailed, wide-angle view of what's in front of the Rodeo 150.
Additional Features
F3 flight controller lets you tweak multiple flight control parameters
Up to 8 minutes of flight time
Compatible with DEVO 7 and F7 controllers (not included)
Landing gear legs on each motor
Brand new in π¦
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ααΈααΆαα: Kampot Traeuy Kaoh, Krong Kampot, Kampot
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Big Sale 75% discount
αααΆαα·αααΆααααΈ 2024-04-18 15:26:27
αααα , Kampot
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