AD ID: 11651486 β’ Phnom Penh β’ Nov 30
π’ Condo Parkland TK for rent (ααΆααααα αΆαα) π² Price / ααααα 350$/m β Included management fee, gym & pool π Location : 10min from TK and Aeon2 π ααΈααΆαα 10ααΆααΈααΈαα½αααα αα·α 10ααΆααΈααΈα’α»αΈα’α2 β‘οΈ αααααα1ααααααααα / Type 1 bedroom β‘οΈ ααα α / Size : 32 sqm (net area) β‘οΈ αααα·ααα ααΆααααΈ8 / Floor 8 β‘οΈ ααΆαααααααααΆααααα αα½α/ balcony garden view β‘οΈ Electricity 0.25$/KW, water 0.6$/m3 π Parking (Car 30$/m, motorbike 10$/m) ββββββββββββββββββββββ- πββοΈ telegram : 089878xxxClick To Call
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Location: Park land condo TK Phnom Penh Thmei, Saensokh, Phnom Penh
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