AD ID: 10437418 β’ Phnom Penh β’ 19h
$155,000 2
π ααααα’αΆααΈααααααααααΆαα (ααααααααΆαα) αα αααα»ααα»ααΈααααα α½α ααΉαααααα | ShopHouse For Urgent Sale in Borey Peng Huoth Boeung Snor at polaris 2 * αααααααα | Sale Price: $155,000 (α αα αΆ/negotiate) #ααΆαα αααΌααααα αΆααα $600/αα * ααα ααααα | House Size: 4.2m x 12m * ααα αααΈ | Land Size: 4.2m x 21m αααααααα(2m), αααααΆααα»αΒ (7m) * ααααααααα | Bedroom: 04 * ααααααααΉα | Bathroom: 05 * ααααααααα½αααααα | Living Room: 01 * ααααααΆα | Kitchen: 01 * ααααα·αααΆαααααΌα | Facing south * αααααααΉα | Hard Title ---------------------------------------- π£αααααΆααααααααΆαααα’α·α | Detail information π 078977xxxClick To Call / 012907xxxClick To Call π₯Telegram:
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Location: Polaris 2 at. P10-D Nirouth, Chbar Ampov, Phnom Penh
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