AD ID: 10434355 β’ Siem Reap β’ 13h
$1,300 7
πΈααααα l Price: $1300/ month ( α αα αΆα / Negotiable) πͺ3- Bedroom l π 4- Bathroom | ππ» Swimming pool πLocated in Svay Dangkum commune-Krong Siem Reap, Near Kan Trok market, Wat Chork pagoda and 3mn from Build Bright University. Only 5minutes drive to old market and Pub Street area. β Fully - Furnished (AC, TV, fridge, ceiling fan, washing machine, microwave, oven and gas cooker) β Large Living room β Kitchen with dining table β Garden β Parking space β Security gate β Safety and quiet area πProperty code: PR-974 αααααΆααααααααΆαααααααααΌαααααΆαααααα βοΈ 012887xxxClick To Call/016887xxxClick To Call π§ sr.*********@pointerasia.comClick To Sent Email πααΈααΆααααΆαα·ααΆααα ααααΌαααααααΌαα ααΆαααααΌααααα»αααααααααα·α αααααΆα 300m ααααα»αα αΆαααααααααΆααααΌαααααα α’αΆαααΌαααΆαααααΈ ααααΌα’α αααααααααααα»αα α·αααααααα’ααα Your Trusted Real Estate Partner
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Location: 603 Wat Bo Rd, Krong Siem Reap Svay Dangkum, Krong Siem Reab, Siem Reap
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Pointer Property
Siem Reap , 603 Wat Bo Rd, Krong Siem Reap
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