AD ID: 11698444 β’ ααααααα β’ Just now
$800+ 2
π Join Our Team at Vicci Beauty Bar! π
We are looking for a sales team leader who is ready to become a manager
What Youβll Do:
-Lead and manage the telemarketing sales team to meet and exceed targets.
-Provide coaching, mentorship, and training to enhance team performance.
-Collaborate on developing and implementing effective sales strategies.
-Monitor team progress, analyze performance metrics, and identify areas for improvement.
-Ensure adherence to company sales processes and standards.
What We Offer
Basic Salary + Performance Bonus + Sales Bonus: $600/month
Provincial NSSF Card
Annual Leave: 18 days per year
Extra Salary on Public Holidays
Opportunities for ongoing training and professional development to grow your skills!
How to Apply:
π² Contact us via Telegram: +85599769xxxClick To Call
π Telegram Username: @vicci_beautybar
π© Apply here:
Take the next step in your career and join a dynamic team at Vicci Beauty Bar! π
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VICCI Beauty Bar
αααΆαα·αααΆααααΈ 2024-08-14 09:19:03
ααααααα , #α€α€ ααααΌα α‘+α¨α€ββ ααΌαα·α‘α£βαααααΆααααααα α ααααααΌαααα ααΆαααΆααΈααααααα
Safety Tips for Buyers
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Do note sent money before receiving the goods
Check the item before you buy
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